Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenarios Planning
By: Rosalynn Locklear
1. Target Audience – 4 Kindergarten Students (1 team of 4)
2. Materials – Mac, and, iMovie, crayons, and drawing paper.
3. Objectives:
· The student will demonstrate sense of story by creating and printing a book online.
4. Procedure –
· The students will (TSW) brainstorm a topic to write about.
· TSW create a draft of a story.
· TSW go to
· TSW work collaboratively to create a story.
· TSW will share their story with other Students (Kindergarten-Fifth Grade)
5. Web 2.0 Tool – This tool allows you to create storybooks online. The stories are then available for reading online, or the story can be printed out.
6. Social Participation/Social Learning –For this lesson, 4 students will be paired into a team. The group is responsible for creating/printing a storybook online. TSW then share their end product with other students within the school.
7. Making Connections – Kindergarten students are familiar with the concept of a book. They are aware that authors write the stories and illustrators provide the pictures to go along with the story. Students have previously drawn pictures and written a couple of sentences to go along with it, but they have not created a professional looking piece of work before. This will be a great motivator for the students.
8. Create/Produce – The end product will be a story book created by the two Kindergarten Teams
9. Assessment: The students will be assessed on the end product, which in the case will be the story that is created.
10. Reflection – Students will make a video to reflect upon their experience. This video will then be shared with their classmates. As a self-reflection, I will make a podcast describing the pros and cons of my experience.